Well it has been quite a while since I wrote on here but I have been really busy.
My babys are growing and getting feathers. They are in the house and I really want them out but feel like I need to wait until they have all their feathers. I have a wooden box outside but it is not tall enough to put a light in without possibly causing a fire. Boy I will be so happy when they are out!!!!!
Yesterday I had the weirdest thing happen...... I had decided that Tiny needed to be put in a play pen I have so he/she could get her fair share of food and catch up in size to the others. Any way I fixed it all up food water ect and caught her and put her in. I put in two others so she wouldn't be lonely. Even at that she was very unhappy but I figured she would settle down with the others there. Well about two hours later I decided I should check it out and make sure everything was ok. I went in and NO TINY!!!!!! Oh my gosh I looked all over under the desk under the sewing table on top of the sewing table under the paper in the play pen. NO WHERE...... I could not find her anywhere. I was heart sick. So I go over to the other box where the others were and counted, then counted again, then looked at them real close and low and behold THERE WAS TINY!!!!!! How did that little s--t get over there. I knew I had not put her over there, and I knew I had not been drinking, (maybe I had gone crazy)...... The only thing I can figure out is that she had flown to the top of the play pen, gotten on the sewing table right next to it, and gone over to where her flock was and jumped back in with them. I do not think she could have flown up from the floor but the box was close to the other end of the sewing table and she could have possibly flown/jumped back in. That is all I can figure but the little stinker was definately back in the box with the others. I did not take her back to the play pen I figured she must have really wanted to be with her mates.
I just contracted to have my last (please let it be my last) chicken house built. It is going to be a duplex so I don't mix my Americunas with Opingtons. I just have to stop this. I also have to find home for three roosters and honestly am thinking of selling my two year olds. Any leads would be appreciated.
I lost one of my last hens from my original flock two Fridays ago. The dogs were barking at her through the fence and I usually make them stop but I was talking to a guy about the yard and spaced it. Before I knew it she had flown over the fence and in the blink of an eye they had her and she was gone. I was sick. I should have been paying more attention.
If any one is reading this I wish you would add a receipe and comment......
Weather here is wonderful, albeit, a little cooler that normal. After last summer this is a very welcome change.
I am getting psyched up for my trip the end of this month. I really need the break. It is hopefully going to turn out great. Rome, Spain, France Morocco......ahhhhhhhh......
Well take care and I wish you peace and love...
that is just fascinating. thanks for the great scrambled egg recipe. I added you to the sidebar on my blog, so now I'll know right away next time you have a new post. take care and see you soon.