My Best Friend Murphy

My Best Friend    Murphy
My Best Friend Murphy

Sunday, August 14, 2011


So it is finally a pretty Sunday...problem is I feel terrible. Ears are stopped up, throat really hurts and can't breathe. It must be allergies but I still feel bad. I may just have to go back to bed which I really do not want to do.
I am so excited I have taken the plunge and ordered lavender, black and blue orpington eggs. The site that I ordered from shows some really pretty, healthy looking birds. Here is a link to you can see what I am talking about. These are not from the place I ordered from but are the same color. (  Now I have to figure out how to brood them and get them grown enough to get outside before it turns cold. I have attached a link so you can see what the lavender birds look like....I know they look silver/grey but they aren't,,trust me.
Booked a cruise for November. I am sure by then I will be really needing some time off.
My poor boy Jack cut the heck out of him self right above his eye. Too close for comfort.
New chicken house is looking nice. I really need to get the babies out there, they are getting too big for the area I have them in and it needs to be cleaned desperately, actually all the houses are ready for a good cleaning.
I am going to start posting eggs recipe's in the next few weeks and would like others too also...Try what I post and let me know if you enjoy them or what changes you think they need. Actually please post any recipe you love and we can do a swap.
Thanks for stopping by......

Monday, August 8, 2011

Brutal heat

I should have been on here before this but it has been so hot and with trying to keep from losing any more birds I am filling waterers, moving fans ect. Despite all the heat my girls are still producing eggs. I have heard from others their birds quit laying. Just to much stress on their bodies.
My baby chicks are getting big and need to be moved pretty darn quick. The guy who is building the new house is about done and it really is cute. However I can't put them out until there is a proper fenced in yard because they are still small enough to be pick up by owls and hawks.
I am sure everyone is sweltering....the pool water is too hot to go in!!! I have been sick from the heat for days now. I had a heat stroke some years ago and now can over heat in a second. But frankly I have not had a choice.
Working on paper for school. I have two weeks left and that will be that...second master in psychology this time. Why I did that I have no idea. I do love to learn though and will really miss reading the studies and I love to write. But I also love to quilt and I need to get caught up with my group plus I have two quilts to finish.
Well I will close for today. Would love for you all to join the blog and put in your two cents lol. C